Festival Submission Updates
"HELLLOOOOOOO out there!
I imagine that’s all you wonderful people, wondering IS ANYONE THERE?
I’m here. Like so many parts of film production, the film festival submission process is not glamorous, and life can be overfull and distracting, but I’m here.
So the first thing is, we are currently submitted and in consideration for about ½ dozen festivals and are maintaining an active watch list for many more. I’m learning (all the time, with this one) that there’s a definite science to submission. Beyond “Who, When, How Much.”
I have a spreadsheet of film fests with event dates, early/regular/late deadline dates, notification dates, dollar amounts (for each of the deadlines), preferred submission system, and genres and special focus (we’re specifically targeting festivals that are looking for films by and about women, fantasy, first-time filmmakers, poetry, and PNW Local). There are also some pretty eye-crossing notes about premiere requirements, which I have to double check each time I want to submit. Do they require a premiere for the State, Region, County, City? If I submit to THIS fest in THIS city, will they send acceptance notifications before THIS fest in the SAME city that requires a premiere, or should I wait till next year?
Right now we're waiting to hear from nearly all our originally targeted festivals, most of which take place in the late summer and in the fall. We didn’t get into one we were hoping for, but that’s ok. And then we submitted to one that hadn't even been on the radar, and got accepted quickly, taking place very early in the season, and oh! look! It happened last weekend! So...
We have officially had our FIRST FESTIVAL SCREENING at the 1st Annual Port Orchard Film Festival and the Dragonfly Cinema. We were programmed into a block of shorts by NW Local filmmakers, and we were in great company--some really fun shorts and episodes of web series, showcasing a local talent. This was my first time attending a festival as a filmmaker, and even though I think I clenched my jaw during the entire 15 minutes TYC was running… the audience laughed where I hoped they would, and we got some lovely feedback from the audience after the screening. I think I sufficiently conquered the first-time filmmaker nerves to represent our amazing team to the other filmmakers and especially to the audience during the Q&A. The festival staff were all really friendly and helpful, and it seemed to be well-run with some fun scheduled speakers and after-hours events, so keep your eye out for it next year.

We'll let you know about any more festivals throughout the year, and will be updating a screening schedule on the website.
And, if you're a backer, look for another update momentarily with your BACKERS ONLY SCREENING LINK... !!